Pitney Village Hall
100 Club!
Our village hall is a wonderful and much loved resource based in the heart of the village. Used for generations, it is a focal point for social gatherings, celebrations, classes, wakes, WI meetings and more.
As a registered charity, however, we receive no outside funding or grants of any sort towards maintaining and keeping the hall open for everyone to enjoy. The 100 Club has been a major source of income for the hall for many years and works like a simple lottery. This means that not only do you get to support the village hall, but have a 'bit of a flutter' whilst doing it!
​So how does it work (click the 'Rules' button below for full details)? Very simply, one subscription, or 'sub', costs £15 and buys you one membership number. We send out reminders at the start of each year when subs are due. You can either pay by standing order, BACS or by cash. Please give any cash payments to a committee member or pop them through the Hall front door. You must be over 16 years of age to partake!
We will allocate each sub that you purchase a membership number, and all numbers are entered into our monthly draw. We try and hold the draws during village hall events for maximum excitement!
You can buy more than one subscription if you like - up to a maximum of 4 per household., but if you're new to the 100 Club, don't forget to include your contact details with your payment so we know who to contact if you win!
The prize money is £25 for a first prize win, £15 for second and £10 for third, except in December when the prizes rise to £50, £30 and £20 respectively. Prizes are paid by cash or cheque to the winner's address.
The prize money will be £650 a year with all remaining funds (less running expenses) going towards the Village Hall to help with day to day costs.​
So what's to lose?! Why not sign up today, help support our valuable village hall, and have a bit of fun whilst you do it!
Bank details for standing orders or BACS:
Bank: National Westminster Bank
Account Name: Pitney Village Hall
Sort Code: 60-12-34
Account No.: 51134136